

Written by Einzafeera 2 comments Posted in: ,
My eyes are an ocean in which my dreamsare reflected....Anna M. Uhlich.There are many things in life that will catch your eye,but only a few will catch your heart...Pursue those....Unknown.You always smile but in your eyes yoursorrow shows....William Peter Horn.Look into my eyes and hear what I'm not saying, for myeyes speak louder than my voice ever will....Unknown.The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence.He inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to thespirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple....Amos Bronson Alcott.You know you're in love when you can seeyour unborn children in her...
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Written by Einzafeera 2 comments Posted in:
Suatu petang,Ketika aku baru pulang dari kerja,Ketika aku melepak-lepak di meja bujangku,Mataku tiba-tiba tertangkap satu 'objek' diluar jendelaku.PELANGI!!!INdAHNYA!!!Lalu ku capai henfonku dan SNAP!p/s: saje menggatal nak update blog walaupun angle gambar tak cun and tak pandai mengedit gambar. he...
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Written by Einzafeera 15 comments Posted in: ,
Assalamualaikum kepada pembaca2 blogku ini. Tak kira, samada anda pembaca yg setia drop komen atau pembaca yg 'senyap2', apa2 pun terima kasih kerana sudi singgah di ruangan bebelan saye ini. Harini saye sengaja nak menggatal update blog. Tajuk pun saye belasah taip Tutorial.Sebabnye, saye tengah marking jawapan tutorial zct 104/3.Ape tu?Modern Physics..ala..yang teori fizik pasal kite boleh travel ke center of galaxy dalam satu lifetime sekiranya kite bergerak dengan kelajuan cahaya. Dan subjek ni sekaligus mengapprovekan cerita kartun Doremon! atau satu lagi contoh, kenapa kalau kite duduk di dalam kapal atau bas yg tidak bergerak dan tiba2...
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